
Renewable Star

The Green Homes Challenge

Join over 200 households who embarked on their Renewable Star journey!

  1. Help Our Environment
  2. Infinite Resources
  3. Dependable Energy

Check out the Renewable Star actions and earn points as you complete them! Earn 10 points and become a Certified Renewable Star Household!

Renewable Star Households See Benefits Such As:

  1. Helps Our Environment
    Renewable energy like sunlight and wind power doesn't make dirty stuff when we use it, so it keeps our air clean and helps us breathe better.
  2. Infinite Resources
    Unlike things like oil or coal, renewable energy comes from things that never run out, like the sun and the wind, so we can always count on having enough energy.
  3. Stop Bad Weather
    When we use renewable energy, we don't make as much of the stuff that makes the Earth too hot, so we can help keep our planet's weather from getting too crazy.
  4. Dependable Energy
    Renewable energy makes us less reliant on other countries for fuel, so we can be more in control of our energy and not worry about running out or prices going up.

Support your local renewable energy industry

Explore no-cost programs and incentives to become a certified Renewable Star

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