
Find Actions

Finish Actions and Gain Points!

Use this page to find actions that your household has completed or plans to complete. Browse the categories on the left to find actions for the Power Saver, Green Leader, or Renewable Star Challenge.

Once you have signed in, you can select the actions below:

  • playlist_add Add to My Challenge to add an action to your To Do List,
  • check_circle Already Completed to mark an action as complete
  • block Not Applicable if the action does not apply to you.


  • The number of Green Points earned by completing the action and its relative environmental benefit.
  • hardware
    Relative amount of effort needed to implement the action.
  • key
    Renter Friendly Action.
  • attach_money
    Relative cost of implementing the action.
  • 1
    The number next to each icon denotes level of difficulty or cost, 0 being the lowest and 5 being the highest.
1 point
hardware 1
Refer 5 Frederick County households to the Green Homes Challenge
User Rating:
3 points
hardware 1
Perform an NO-COST Quick Home Energy Check-up from Potomac Edison
User Rating:
10 points
hardware 1
attach_money 1
Perform a low-cost Home Performance with ENERGY STAR® audit
User Rating:
1 point
hardware 1
Prepare for your home energy audit
User Rating:
2 points
Install a Mosaic Power System on your water heater to help regulate grid energy.
User Rating:
1 point
hardware 1
Keep unoccupied rooms closed with localized heating or cooling, open your doors if your system is centralized.
User Rating:
Stormwater Credit Application