
Frederick County Stormwater Utility Fee Credit Application

Please select the actions below that represent the actions that have been taken on your property. You will need to submit additional documentation to demonstrate that you have completed actions. This documentation is in the form of files and or photos. All pictures must have a piece of paper with the date written on it taken with the item in the photo to ensure that the picture is recent.

Applicant Information
Applicant Mailing Address
Search for my Property ID Account
The property address is different to the applicants' address
Actions completed
Select the practices you have completed and upload the required documentation if your actions add up to at least 30%
Install a rain barrel or cistern
Replace 30 square feet or more of turf grass or other surface with conservation landscaping using native plants
Plant a Native tree on your property
Redirect your rooftop runoff with a downspout disconnect to a splash block
Install a rain garden on your property
Install a green roof
Replace impermeable surfaces with permeable pavement
Create a Certified Wildlife Habitat or Backyard Buffer on your property
Have your septic system pumped every 3-5 years
Upgrade your septic system to increase nitrogen removal
Follow an urban nutrient management plan completed by a contractor
Refrain from using fertilizers on your lawn and gardens
Have a stormwater audit or landscape plan completed for your property that includes landscape practices to filter stormwater
Plant a streamside buffer with native trees and shrubs