Use this page to find actions that your household has completed or plans to complete. Browse the categories on the left to find actions for the Power Saver, Green Leader, or Renewable Star Challenge.

Once you have signed in, you can click Add to My Challenge to add an action to your To Do List, Already Completed to mark an action as complete, or Not Applicable if the action does not apply to you.

Once signed in, you can rate each of the actions you have completed.
The highest rated action appear under the Most Popular Actions category.


  • 1
    Green leaves denote the number of Green Points earned by completing the action and its relative environmental benefit.
    Hammers denote the relative amount of effort needed to implement the action.
    Dollar signs denote the relative cost of implementing the action.
    Free < $100
    $100-$500 $501-$2000
    > $2000
    A key denotes a renter-friendly action.
    Refer 5 Frederick County households to the Green Homes Challenge
    You need to be signed in to add and complete actions.
    Add to my challenge Already completed Not applicable

    Help spread the word by referring 5 of your friends, family members, co-workers, or neighbors to the Green Homes Challenge.

    Click here to invite them to sign up for the Green Homes Challenge.

    Apr 11 Vicki Yontz

    Presented Frederick Green Challenge to members of the Jefferson Homemakers Club (10)

    Dec 04 Linda and Julie Norris-Waldt

    Am posting about Green Homes Challenge on

    Jun 08 Nicole Aliev

    Am posting on my Real Estate Website.

    Jan 25 Rohit Raaj Verma


    Jan 28 Rohit Raaj Verma


    Jan 28 Rohit Raaj Verma


    Feb 04 Rohit Raaj Verma

    check edit

    Mar 07 Abeera Arif


    Mar 12 Rohit Raaj Verma

    test check

    Mar 12 Rohit Raaj Verma

    test check

    Mar 12 Rohit Raaj Verma

    test check

    Mar 12 Rohit Raaj Verma

    test check

    Mar 12 Rohit Raaj Verma

    test check

    Mar 12 Rohit Raaj Verma

    test check

    Mar 12 Rohit Raaj Verma

    test check

    Mar 12 Rohit Raaj Verma

    test check

    Mar 12 Rohit Raaj Verma

    test check

    Mar 12 Rohit Raaj Verma

    test check

    Mar 12 Rohit Raaj Verma

    test check

    Mar 12 Rohit Raaj Verma

    test check

    Mar 12 Rohit Raaj Verma

    test check

    Mar 12 Rohit Raaj Verma

    test check

    Mar 16 Rohit Raaj Verma


    You must be registered and logged in to leave comments

  • 1
    Green leaves denote the number of Green Points earned by completing the action and its relative environmental benefit.
    Hammers denote the relative amount of effort needed to implement the action. Hammers denote the relative amount of effort needed to implement the action.
    Dollar signs denote the relative cost of implementing the action.
    Free < $100
    $100-$500 $501-$2000
    > $2000
    A key denotes a renter-friendly action.
    Use a solar oven or cooker
    You need to be signed in to add and complete actions.
    Add to my challenge Already completed Not applicable

    If you have access to a sunny yard, patio, or deck, solar ovens, also known as solar cookers, provide a simple and safe way to cook without consuming fuel or electricity. You can choose from several design options including a box oven, parabolic cooker, and a panel cooker. Temperatures can reach 200 – 400°F making the cookers suitable for everything from cooking rice and stews, to baking apples and biscuits.  It does take longer to cook with a solar cooker, however, so you will need to plan ahead, much the same way you would if using a crock pot.

    Take Action:

    1. Enter “solar ovens” in your internet browser to learn more about options and products available online.
    2. Learn how solar cooking is improving social, economic, and environmental conditions around the world.
    3. Purchase or make a solar oven and commit to using it.

    Links to more information:

    Jan 23 Lisa Orr

    I have one of these and it is great for baking apples, cooking quinoa, even heating water for a thermos. Use it like you would a crock-pot. These ovens get hot!

    You must be registered and logged in to leave comments

  • 2
    Green leaves denote the number of Green Points earned by completing the action and its relative environmental benefit.
    Hammers denote the relative amount of effort needed to implement the action. Hammers denote the relative amount of effort needed to implement the action.
    Dollar signs denote the relative cost of implementing the action.
    Free < $100
    $100-$500 $501-$2000
    > $2000
    A key denotes a renter-friendly action.
    Attend a workshop, seminar, or discussion about renewable energy
    You need to be signed in to add and complete actions.
    Add to my challenge Already completed Not applicable

    Would you like to learn more about renewable energy technologies? Attend a Renewable Energy 101 or Solarize Workshop hosted by the Green Homes Challenge team. Check the online schedule or call the Sustainability Program Coordinator at 301.600.6864 for dates and times.

    You can also attend a workshop, seminar, or discussion on an issue of interest to you hosted by another organization. Some regional organizations that host courses, workshops and seminars related to renewable energy include: The Common Market, Frederick Community College, and Hagerstown Community College

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