Use this page to find actions that your household has completed or plans to complete. Browse the categories on the left to find actions for the Power Saver, Green Leader, or Renewable Star Challenge.

Once you have signed in, you can click Add to My Challenge to add an action to your To Do List, Already Completed to mark an action as complete, or Not Applicable if the action does not apply to you.

Once signed in, you can rate each of the actions you have completed.
The highest rated action appear under the Most Popular Actions category.


  • 1
    Green leaves denote the number of Green Points earned by completing the action and its relative environmental benefit.
    Hammers denote the relative amount of effort needed to implement the action.
    Dollar signs denote the relative cost of implementing the action.
    Free < $100
    $100-$500 $501-$2000
    > $2000
    A key denotes a renter-friendly action.
    Open and close drapes to help heat and cool rooms
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    In the summer, close drapes and blinds during the hottest parts of the day to keep the sun from heating your rooms. Standard window blinds can be quite effective at keeping your house cool in summer, reducing heat gain by up to 45%.

    In the winter, open drapes and blinds during the day to allow the sun to warm your home, and close drapes and blinds during the evening to keep the heat inside. Conventional drapes or curtains reduce heat loss from a room by only 10%. Convection carries hot air between the curtain and the window, where the air loses heat, falls below the bottom of the curtain (and out the sides) and draws in more hot air above. Drapes or blinds that are close to the window and snug on all sides can reduce heat loss by as much as 25%.

    For more information, visit

    Jun 30 Mark Bradley

    Front upstairs bedrooms (east facing) get most sun/heat in the morning. Added filter to windows to reduce heat load in the summer.

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  • 1
    Green leaves denote the number of Green Points earned by completing the action and its relative environmental benefit.
    Hammers denote the relative amount of effort needed to implement the action.
    Dollar signs denote the relative cost of implementing the action.
    Free < $100
    $100-$500 $501-$2000
    > $2000
    A key denotes a renter-friendly action.
    Turn off lights in areas that are not being used
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    Add to my challenge Already completed Not applicable

    This is the simplest behavioral change that you and your family can make to your daily energy-saving regimen! Making a difference starts with small changes. Learn more about when to turn off your lights from

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  • 1
    Green leaves denote the number of Green Points earned by completing the action and its relative environmental benefit.
    Hammers denote the relative amount of effort needed to implement the action.
    Dollar signs denote the relative cost of implementing the action.
    Free < $100
    $100-$500 $501-$2000
    > $2000
    A key denotes a renter-friendly action.
    Substitute natural light for electrical light
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    Open your curtains to allow natural lighting in, and close them if the room gets too warm. Using light that is already available during daytime hours reduces energy output from light bulbs, saving you money. Learn more about daylighting from

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  • 2
    Green leaves denote the number of Green Points earned by completing the action and its relative environmental benefit.
    Hammers denote the relative amount of effort needed to implement the action.
    Dollar signs denote the relative cost of implementing the action.
    Free < $100
    $100-$500 $501-$2000
    > $2000
    A key denotes a renter-friendly action.
    Set up Power Management on desktop computers and laptops
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    The average desktop PC wastes half of the energy it consumes and 75% of energy consumption occurs when no one is in front of the computer! Did you know that a desktop computer left on 24/7 without power management can use up 600 kWh per year? That same computer will use only 200 kWh per year if power management is enabled. Of all the energy savings possible from household plug-in electronics, power management accounts for as much as 40%! By turning on your computer’s energy saving features, you can save over $60 a year in energy costs and reduce your CO2 emissions by nearly half a ton. Learn ten ways to reduce your computer’s energy consumption.

    Use the ENERGY STAR® guide to activate power management settings on your computer or run the ENERGY STAR® Wizard for CPUs running Windows 2000 or Windows XP operating systems.

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  • 2
    Green leaves denote the number of Green Points earned by completing the action and its relative environmental benefit.
    Hammers denote the relative amount of effort needed to implement the action.
    Dollar signs denote the relative cost of implementing the action.
    Free < $100
    $100-$500 $501-$2000
    > $2000
    A key denotes a renter-friendly action.
    Turn Off the TV When No One is Watching
    You need to be signed in to add and complete actions.
    Add to my challenge Already completed Not applicable

    Turning off the television when no one is watching or watching 25% less television in general can reduce your household energy use by 0.6% every year!

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